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to recognize the work they are doing to support local watersheds.
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Fall 2024 Lake Networking Group Meeting
9:30am - 11:30 Thursday, September 26, 2024 - via Zoom.
Click Lake Networking Group Meeting Notes Button below
to access Spring 2024 Meeting Notes and Attachments
Please click "Next Meeting" button below
for details on field trips and workshops.
Lake Networking Group
The Lake Networking Group is an informal gathering of Eastern Ontario lake association representatives united by a common desire to work together and learn from one another.
On January 21, 2004 representatives from seven local lake associations met for the first time to discuss items of common interest and concern and recognized that they could all benefit and learn from the experiences of one another.
Bobs and Crow Lakes ~ East End
Today representatives of more than 30 Eastern Ontario lake associations share information by email and meet two or three times a year to discuss common issues, plan workshops to meet identified needs of their lake residents, and support one another to seek support for common issues.
Lake associations in the Lake Networking Group include Loughborough Lake, Dog and Cranberry Lakes, Fourteen Island Mink Lake, Sydenham Lake, and the Chaffey's Area Lake Associations in the south, up through Frontenac to include lakes associations such as Desert, Buck, Wolfe, Eagle, Big Clear, Elbow, Bobs and Crow, Sharbot Lake and Kennebec in the west, and down through the Rideau Watershed encompassing Farren, Christie, Little Silver and Rainbow, Long, Pike, Black, Adam, Otter, Otty, Big Rideau and Upper Rideau and over into the Mississippi Watershed to include lake associations such as Canonto, Dalhousie, Bennett and Fagan, Silver Lake, Sharbot Lake, and the Mississippi Lakes Association and north to White Lake.
Amongst the Group are representatives from lake groups in 4 watersheds (Mississippi, Rideau, Cataraqui, Quinte) and 7 Townships (Tay Valley, North, South and Central Frontenac, Drummond/North Elmsley, Lanark Highlands and Rideau Lakes) and 3 Counties (Lanark, Frontenac and Leeds Grenville.)
Lake representatives are connected by an email link through which they share information
The emailing list allows everyone to receive/share information even if they don't attend all the meetings.
Partner organizations also distribute information about programs, issues and resources to lake groups through the Lake Networking Group
Meetings are held about 3 times a year depending on the needs/interests of the group members.
Meeting agenda items come from suggestions/requests from the lake associations
Special guests are regularly included
Side group of the lake representatives (those in Lanark County) meets twice a year with members of the Lanark Detachment of the OPP to discuss issues of safety and security in the local lakes and lake communities
(based on comments provided by participating members of the Lake Networking Group)
The Lake Networking Group deals with issues typical of lakes in this area and, working together, attempts to resolve, promote and understand those issues. It is more than just an information exchange as the meetings offer an opportunity for dialogue + templates from other's experiences + an exchange of ideas. Everyone is in the same boat/at the same table, learning together as they go, adapting and addressing topics of concern and issues facing our communities together. Over time a sense of "community" has emerged amongst the various lake groups.
It also provides a collective way for two way communication with partner agencies, building and maintaining relationships
The Lake Networking Group plans workshops to meet identified needs of their lake residents and
Serves as a lobby group and supports one another to seek support for common issues e.g. lake management planning, mining, water quality interpretation, municipal elections.
Affirming experience for new lake reps or new lake associations or those who feel isolated.
Exchange of wealth of information between lake associations that results in shortcutting an individual lake association's search for resources and avoids reinventing the wheel.
Each lake association can put their own challenges into perspective listening to others.
The enthusiasm that is generated by the ideas expressed and the successes achieved which each lake association can take back to their respective Board for possible implementation.
Potential for political clout from such a large representation.
Two-sided value - through the Group, townships, conservation authorities, Health Unit, OPP and other organizations have the opportunity to speak to a broad base of lake associations
worked with partners to organize septic workshop, native plant workshops, Fish 101 workshop, cottage succession seminars, aquatic invasive species workshop
collaborated regular meetings with local OPP detachment
participated in municipal meetings
organized questions from the Lake Communities during municipal election time
shared information and provided support for lake planning processes
provided opportunity for funding application collaboration and partnership
working together on Official Plan comments
participated in partnership projects such as Lake Links, Turtle Nesting Projects/Wetland Evaluation with Toronto Zoo, Bioblitzs, the People, Aquatic Plants and Healthy Lakes Working Group, invasive species
offered speaker opportunities e.g. awareness of invasive species, species at risk, climate change issues , Blue-green Algae
supported development of resource material on the issues of boat wakes
supported the work to address mining issues in Ontario which led to changes in the Ontario Mining Act and the closure of claims south of the French River
Water Quality Monitoring Survey
RVCA has provided support and encouragement for the Lake Networking Group from the early days
Tay Valley Township has supported the Lake Networking Group by providing space at the Burgess Hall for their meetings, workshops.
MVCA has also supported the Lake Networking Group by providing space for their meetings
MNRF, RVCA, MVCA send representatives to the meetings to keep abreast of lake association concerns and issues and to share information on new programs/initiatives - and get feedback at the same time. CRCA has also recently become involved.
MOECC works with the Lake Networking Group to communicate information about water quality issues and concerns
Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Health Unit works with the Lake Networking Group to maintain communication with local lake communities
Community Stewardship Council of Lanark County has provided workshop support as has the Frontenac Stewardship Council
FoTW has worked closely with Lake Networking Group through programs such as the Lake Management Planning Program
FOCA has partnered with Lake Networking Group to offer workshops and seminars to local lake communities and has an ongoing presence at Lake Networking Group meetings
Lanark Detachment of the OPP meets regularly with Lanark County members of the Lake Networking Group
Understanding Lake Water Quality Data Workshop - Lanark County Building - Thurs. Aug.3, 2017 - see separate button below
Septic Savvy 2018 Workshop ~ May 26, 2018 - Perth Civitan Hall
The focus of this workshop was on the importance of properly functioning sewage systems. Properly functioning sewage systems are integral to a healthy lake or river AND for a safe drinking supply.
~ 9am to noon, with 8:30 registration at the Perth Civitan Hall, 6787 County Road 43, Perth, ON
~ See separate button towards the bottom of the page for all of the related materials.
Cottage Succession Planning Seminar on Sunday, July 7th, 2019 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Perth Legion, 26 Beckwith St E, Perth
The Lake Networking Group partnered with FOCA (Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations) for this seminar
~ See separate button at the bottom of the page for all of the related materials.
Lake Protection Workbook - Spring 2019 - The Lake Networking Group worked with other Lake Links Planning Committee members to develop the Lake Protection Workbook
The Lake Protection Workbook was created as a self-assessment tool that acts as an excellent educational resource; it helps property owners living along a shoreline understand how their actions might be affecting their lake and provides helpful tips on how to improve the natural environment along their shoreline.
Property owners can download an online version of the Workbook for free by going to copies are also available from Watersheds Canada at $1.50 per copy. Details on the Watersheds Canada website.
Fall 2024 Lake Networking Group Meeting - Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 9:30am - 11:30 Agenda and other information will be posted under Lake Networking Group Meeting Notes Button
Note: see attachments to Minutes at the end of the Minutes, including: Dr. Nader Nakhaei's presentation, Mississippi Lakes Study handout, Cottage Succession Poster and Pictures taken at meeting.
[Note: The following files are very large and may take a few minutes to load. We recommend going to "Slide Show" mode in PowerPoint to view the PowerPoint presentations.]
Eric Kohlsmith's Presentation[Note: This file is very large and may take a few minutes to load. We recommend going to "Slide Show" mode in PowerPoint to view the PowerPoint presentations.]
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"Courtesy of Friends of the Tay Watershed ~ (no endorsation implied)"