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    Tuesday January 31, 2012

    Royal Canadian Legion

    26 Beckwith Street, East, Perth


    4:00 to 6:00pm




    1.         Agenda

    2.         Minutes of AGM for 2010

    3.        List of Association Activities in 2011
    ~ shown by month
    ~ shown by sector

    4.        2011 Financial Statements and Auditor's Report

    5.        Proposed 2012 Budget

    6.         Board of Directors Slate for 2012

    7.         Draft Event and Project Calendar for 2012


    Copies of these documents are available on the Association website, by clicking on any item in the above list.


    1.  Opening of the meeting

    The meeting was chaired by Executive Committee member Debra Bellevue. Debra opened the meeting at 4:00 p.m. with a welcome to all, noting that a quorum was in place with 17 members (and 1 visitor) in attendance.

    The meeting got underway with a quick roundtable introduction by those present.  In attendance were Board of Director members Taro Alps, Debra Bellevue, Annie Dalton, Peggy Land, Joanne Sparks, Christopher Stone, David Taylor and Colin Stephenson.  Unable to attend were Board members Carol Dillon and Alyson Symon.  Two new proposed Board members, André Frommer and Robert Cosh were also present.

    Representing the FoTW Advisory Board were David Crowley and Cam McLeod, along with newly appointed members, Karen Hunt, and Doug James. 

    In addition, Martha Bradburn, representing RVCA, Ralph Fish from the Christy Lake Association, and Frank Roy were present.

    Again this year, the association eliminated paper handouts and the presentations were based on Power Point summaries. However, a complete set of the documents, along with the Power Point presentation is posted on the website at "

    Debra reviewed the agenda and asked members if there were any new items to add.  Three items were raised as follows, and added to the agenda under item #7, other business.

       David Crowly
     Progress of the proposed replacement of the Haggart and Little Tay dams

       Peggy Land
     Funds for further water tests in the Tay River

       Colin Stephenson
    New Canada Not For Profit Corporations Act and implications for FoTW

    2.              Approval of 2010 AGM Minutes

    Debra asked for any questions and/or comments relating to the 2010 AGM Minutes, held January 27, 2011, in the Lanark Lodge Auditorium.  As there were none, the minutes for the 2010 AGM were approved by a motion from the floor.

    Motion: That the final Minutes for the 2010 AGM be accepted as presented.

    Moved:                    Frank Roy
    Seconded:                David Taylor
    Motion carried

    3.              A Very Active 2011

    David Taylor, Chris Stone, and Colin Stephenson presented a comprehensive review of what was a very productive 2011 for FoTW.  A full listing of activities by sector and by month can be found on the website, and summaries and photographs of FoTW accomplishments are available on slides 6 through 32 of the AGM presentation.

    As in previous years, the diverse range of projects clearly demonstrates that the FoTW was able to address all main its objectives in 2011 - from active stewardship, outreach, and advocacy, through to consultations and collaborations on a number of ongoing initiatives.

    Highlights included the completion and installation of a series of interpretive panels to commemorate the original Tay Canal as part of the Tay Canal 175th Legacy Program, contributions to the development of a Corridor Landscape Strategy for the Rideau Canal, the ongoing partnership with the CFUW, the introduction of new scholarship and educational programs, participation in numerous festivals, the planning and execution of Watershed Discovery Day, and many collaborations and consultations with a variety of government and special interest groups. 

    The importance of individual sponsors and donors to FoTW was noted, and those groups that have given so generously were highlighted and thanked.

    Comments arising from the 2011 review are noted as follows.

    1.    Given that the numbers of people attending Watershed Discovery Day seem to have peaked should the FoTW continue to count on this project as its flagship event?

    2.    While progress has been made in the consultations with Tayside Estates, there continue to be outstanding hydrogeological concerns that need to be addressed.  Attendance was encouraged at two upcoming public meetings on the Tayside Estates draft plan of sub-division.  The meetings will be held at Tay Valley Township Hall, one on March 6 at 6 p.m. and the other on March 27, 2012.


    4.       Presentation of 2011 Financial Statements and 2012 Budget

    Colin Stephenson presented a summary of FoTW’s financial report for 2011.  He noted that the audit had been completed on the 2011 financial statements and related records, and thanked John Gibb-Carsley for his continued pro bono work. 

    In summary, both inflows and outflows were a bit higher than predicted, but the year end cash position was about as expected.  Revenues were dominated by grants received for major projects, including a second grant of $5000 from RBC Blue Water Fund for the Nature Works Learning Program.  As well, a $2,000 grant for an unspecified project was not spent. 

    Expenses were dominated by large projects such as the Tay Canal 175th Legacy Project and the Nature Works Learning Project.  Colin emphasized the Association’s very low administrative costs, particularly in comparison to those of other organizations. 

    At year end, cash reserves include only a $500 commitment carried forward for a Water Warriors Scholarship program, so all remaining cash is discretionary.

    Colin also noted that along with cash assets, FoTW owns a boat, and a storage locker of resources.

    Colin outlined the Proposed Budget for 2012, which projects inflows of $8,130 and outflows of $7,160 with a net inflow of $520.   While these numbers look low compared to previous years, at present there are no new major projects planned.  Should any emerge, FoTW may seek additional funding. 

    Motion:       That the 2012 Budget be accepted as presented.

    Moved:        Annie Dalton
    Seconded:    André Frommer
    Motion carried

    Colin ended his discussion with a motion to accept a signing authority resolution endorsing the following Directors as signing officers, subject to FoTW’s approved Financial Policy: Debra Bellevue (Treasurer), Carol Dillon, Chris Stone, Taro Alps. 

    Moved: Colin Stephenson
    Seconded: David Taylor
    Motion carried

    Debra thanked Colin for all his work over the years as Treasurer of FoTW.

    Detailed reports have been posted on the website, and summaries of the 2011 financial statements and 2012 proposed budget can be found in slides 34 through 48 of the AGM presentation.


    5.     Opportunities for 2012

    Debra Bellevue opened the Opportunities for 2012 discussion by asking if FoTW should consider organizing another lecture in the Perspectives on Water series.  Karen Hunt expressed disappointment in the attendance at the Maude Barlow talk a few years ago, and Frank Roy suggested that perhaps we should approach a speaker who could provide a local perspective on water issues, such as a member of the Perth town council.  All members were urged to give the event some thought and submit any ideas to the Board.

    Debra reviewed the events and programs already committed for 2012, and went on to present a list of ongoing opportunities, including stewardship and advocacy projects, that FoTW may wish to respond to in 2012.  Debra highlighted the RBC Blue Dot project, as well as the continual need to monitor external grants and funding.  FoTW is creating a working group to review funding opportunities, and any interested members are welcome to join. The Tay Watershed Plan revision in collaboration with RVCA was also seen as an opportunity for FoTW.    Chris mentioned that the Town’s consulting engineers (RV Anderson) have proposed the development of a “Tay River Urban Reach Improvement Plan” – more to follow in the next months.

    Chris identified two potential opportunities, not highlighted on the list, which FoTW may wish to take note of: First is the implementation of Tay Valley’s mandatory septic inspection program, and second is the one year moratorium on severances that has been placed on two lakes within the watershed - Farren and Allan.  The MOE has identified both lakes to be at capacity for phosphorus. During this one year period an interagency working group will be formed to look at the issue.  

    Debra concluded by asking for volunteers for all 2012 projects and ongoing programs.

    A summary of the 2012 opportunities can be viewed on slides 51 through 54 in the AGM’s presentation.


    6.              Election of 2012 Board of Directors

    Debra Bellevue introduced the proposed slate of 2012 Board of Directors.  David Taylor noted that there was still no member representing the Rideau Canal Office.  There are also vacancies for the representative from the Town of Perth and the RVCA.

    Motion: That the proposed slate for 2012 be accepted as presented.

    Moved:                    Colin Stephenson
    Seconded:                Frank Roy
    Motion carried

    Regarding the presidency, it was moved that the practice instituted in 2010 of rotating the presidency be continued with Carol Dillon, Chris Stone, and Debra Bellevue each serving a four-month term. 

    Moved:                    David Taylor
    Seconded:                Annie Dalton
    Motion carried

    Three new members were appointed to the Advisory Panel -  Karen Hunt, Doug James, and Colin Stephenson.  Joe Slater was removed from the list because he is relocating to Victoria.

    A full listing of the 2012 Board of Directors and Advisory Panel can be found on the website.


    7.    Other Business, Questions and Comments

    a.    Haggart and Little Tay Dams

    David Crawley reported on the status of the replacement of the Haggart and Little Tay dams. Both dams are deteriorating and in need of maintenance.  RVCA has partnered with the Town of Perth to develop a plan to replace the dams but funding continues to be an issue. 

    At present RVCA has set aside about $139,000 and the Town of Perth has levied about the same amount, which means that work on the Little Tay dam (under the Rainbow Bridge) can go ahead.  Work is scheduled to get underway following the Labour Day weekend, and should be completed by year end 2012.  David also noted that there are safety issues associated with the Rainbow Bridge, however, there is no funding to address these at present. 

    Replacing the larger Haggart Island dam is more complicated and the estimated cost is between $600,000 and $700,000.  To date funding for this project is not in place.

    Annie Dalton asked about proposed fish ladders at the dams, and was told that at the moment they are not part of the plans and would cost approximately $50,000 to $60,000. There was a brief discussion about the FoTW acting as an advocate for this initiative.  Also raised was the idea of having a micro hydro electric project linked to the dams, but it appears that such a venture has received little interest and would be very costly.  David Taylor also raised concerns about portages around the dam sites.

    b. Water Testing - Tay River

    Peggy Land announced that a funding grant has been approved by the Perth and District Community Foundation to test the water this summer at 4 locations in the Tay River - 3 in Stewart Park and 1 in Glen Tay.  The data resulting from these tests will allow the public to make an informed decision whether to swim in Stewart Park.

    c. New Canada Not for Profit Corporations Act

    Colin Stephenson announced that this new act will require some work on behalf of the Association, including a rewrite of the by-laws and an application for a Certificate of Continuance.  These must be completed by October 17, 2014.  Further information and reference materials can be found on the CRA website.  Colin stressed that FoTW pay particular attention to new requirements surrounding gross annual revenues exceeding $50,000.

    Questions and Comments

    a. Gray Ratsnake

    Robert Cosh commented on proposed new regulations that apply to the Gray Ratsnake.  Strict new regulations have been drafted by the MNR to protect the habitat of this endangered species.  If these regulations are approved, they will apply to populations living within the Tay Watershed.  Robert felt that further consultation with the public and people living within the prescribed habitats should occur.

    Thank you and final notes

    a. Debra concluded the meeting by thanking everyone who attended the AGM and reiterated the need for volunteers for FoTW 2012 events and programs.

    b. Chris thanked Colin for his many years serving as Treasurer, and recognized the contributions of other Board members also stepping down this year - Shannon Goltz, Karen Hunt, Doug James and Gillian Scobie. Chris also noted with sadness and regret the passing of John Gittens.

    c.  Cam MacLeod and André Frommer renewed their memberships for 2012.


    The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.  


    FINAL DRAFT - February 13, 2012 - JS





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